Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Samsung assures people that ‘Find My Mobile’ is perfectly safe

There have been recent reports that Samsung’s Find My Mobile service, which tracks and locks misplaced smartphones, was vulnerable to attacks from hackers. On its blog, Samsung not only announced that the service was patched, but that there is nothing to worry about.

According to Samsung, to hack Find My Mobile would require a specific set of circumstances to take place. Here’s how Samsung laid things out:
The attacker occupies a way to send a link containing malicious code.
The Find My Mobile user sets up Find My Mobile Remote control ‘ON’
The user enters his/her ID and password and logs on Find My Mobile website
The user clicks the link in e-mail/instant message/SMS sent by attackers

As can possibly be surmised, it seems to be a very specific set of circumstances that was unlikely to have affected many people. Even so, according to Samsung, no user information was compromised. The reported issue was patched on October 13, so Find My Mobile users don’t have much to fret about, other than losing their phones.

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