Monday, September 15, 2014


The app store ecosystem fails nearly everyone and certainly those who don't possess credit cards. neXva's founders saw the opportunity to shift the paradigm and create a new offering that fixes these problems and offers exciting new opportunities and access for mobile apps.

App stores for Mobile Operators

Mobile operators for the most part have been totally shut out of the app ecosystem. Long ago, many operators gave their app business away to the major OS providers. Unfortunately, this move really doesn't benefit anyone in the mobile app ecosystem except the OS provider themselves. Savvy operators have begun to recognize that it's time for them to take back control of their app store.
neXva has the solution with a fully hosted and managed cloud-based solution that gives the mobile operator a multi-OS app store and allows for a very high level of curation and localization of content. Carriers know that their customers rely on them as a "trusted advisor" to bring them not only a great network, but also content that is of value.
The neXva solution enables the carrier to personalize and localize the content in their store. In addition, each neXva store includes operator direct billing for their pre and post-paid customers – a tool that studies show dramatically increases customer take-up of premium apps.
neXva's branded and localized carrier app store helps create a higher level of stickiness and strengthened interaction with the operator's customer base.

App stores for OEMs and verticals

The flexibility of the neXva app store platform is perfectly suited for directed deployments.
OEMs, especially those targeting a specific demographic, can have an embedded and branded "on-device" app store that enables them to pre-load their app store and provide fresh, innovative and directed content through their store to their customers. neXva is presently working on a very interesting project around a custom designed tablet for students with an embedded app store of only educational apps.
Verticals are well suited to deploy their own app store. As the OS stores get larger and less user friendly, an opportunity exists for targeted verticals and affinity groups to create their own app stores. Because neXva's app store platform has the flexibility to include and exclude any number of apps, an affinity group can curate content that meets its members' needs and exclude all the clutter that exists in those other app stores. Think of it as offering a boutique store as opposed to the giant super center.

Outreach and Curation solutions

neXva has an in-house team that deals directly with thousands of app developers. Developers like this approach because our people are knowledgeable, helpful and reactive.
Developers are always looking for new ways to get their content in front of the right demographics. Because of neXva's unique approach of curated and localized app stores, we can bring new and exciting distribution opportunities to mobile app developers.
Along with the human touch, neXva has also created a number of tools that help developers get their content into the neXva catalogue and get their content noticed by customers who want it.
neXva works with OEMs, hardware suppliers, software houses and telecom operators with special needs to handle their developer outreach. This service includes sourcing and vetting content, conducting surveys or introducing developers to new technologies or funding possibilities.


MTN Group, Airtel, OpenMobile, Qelasy, appbackr


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